Own a business?

Don’t lead alone.
Build a Great business for a Greater purpose.

Leader of leaders?

Become a C12 Chair.
Help others transform lives and companies.

Who We Are

    • Largest executive forum organization for Christian CEOs and Business Owners
    • More than 4000 members worldwide
    • Active in North Texas since 2007
    • Executive MBA level curriculum
    • Interactive peer forum format
    • Professional, personal leadership coaching
    • Fulltime Chairs that facilitate meetings

About C12 North Texas

Targeted Companies
Current C12 Members
Active Forums
Targeted Companies
Current C12 Members
Active Business Forums
Leadership Resources - Insights for Leaders

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E-Books with practical aids to improve your business


Curriculum examples used by CEOs monthly


Thought provoking tools and diagnostics for quick help

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What is C12?

C12 is an executive roundtable organization for Christian CEOs and Business Owners designed to help each other through prayer, encouragement, accountability and business support. That means that it is a peer format where a small group of non-competing CEOs meets once a month to transform their businesses and lives.

What is the purpose of C12?

The easy way to describe the purpose is to quote our tag line that says, "We help Christian CEOs build great businesses for a greater purpose." The great business part means that we help them with solid business advice and education to grow their companies (e.g., more profit, more customers, better culture, etc.). The greater purpose is discovering what God would have them do in their leadership roles. We think that these things go together.

What are the benefits of C12?

There are several categories of benefits. Here are just four of them.


Personal Leadership Growth

Each month, you will receive executive education that helps you run your business better. Our material is designed to be practical, application-oriented content that represents the best of Christian and secular sources. When the leader grows, the entire organization grows.

In addition to the monthly business forums, you will meet with your C12 Chair for a private one-on-one consultation. You get to design this time to fit your needs. It is equivalent to an executive coaching session.


Organizational Development

Many of the applications discussed each month are designed to improve your organization. We will talk through organizational development, alignment issues, strategic planning, people management, business development, sales/marketing, and many more topics that will help you improve your performance. Furthermore, all of the content ever developed by C12 is available for you to share within your company. This becomes a training resource for your employees.


Business Reviews

Every business forum meeting includes a core business presentation. This is similar to a board presentation. You will get multiple benefits from this. One, you will find it enormously helpful to hear how other leaders are running their companies. As they talk, you will learn from their mistakes and their successes. Two, when it is time for your presentation, you will find it very instructive to pull together all of the information for our presentation template. Perhaps this is the only time you will collect a comprehensive set of company performance information? Three, when you present, you will receive verbal and written feedback from your peers to help you with the issues you identify and the additional ones that they spot for you. 


Comfort and Community

This might sound like a touchy-feely benefit of limited value unless you have experience running a company. Most CEOs know that the cliché, "it's lonely at the top," is true. We offer a safe environment to be transparent with peers that understand what you are going through. You will find that you do not have to be alone.

How does C12 help me work "on" rather than "in" my business?

Our format is designed to offer you a retreat and reflection day every month. We gather in our forums to think through topics like strategic planning, policy reviews, financial management, operations management, and more. Few of these topics get much attention in a busy workday. However, being out of the office and gathering with peers promotes discussion and perspective. It is a time for members to recharge and replan.


It may sound difficult to take a day "off" each month. We promise that you will find it useful from the beginning. Later, you will see the day as essential to growing and maintaining a healthy business.

Begin to lead others

What is a C12 Chair?

A C12 Chair is a person that feels called to lead Christian CEOs and Business Owners to be excellent in business and to use that platform for the purposes of God. The chair is responsible for recruiting the members, facilitating a monthly business forum, and meeting each member one-on-one every month. It is a mixture of being an entrepreneur, professional facilitator, leadership coach, and business-as-ministry specialist in three spheres. There is no better job.

What are the ideal characteristics of a C12 Chair?

It is not easy to be an effective C12 Chair. We are looking for a select few that meet the following requirements.


Mature Christ-Follower - Be a hearer and doer of God’s Word, with an unwavering biblical worldview.


Entrepreneurial Attitude - A “can do, never give up” mindset, with the willingness and ability to be in business with us and committed to being full time “owner” of your practice. We think that grit is essential.


Trustworthy Advisor to Peers - Must have the “gravitas” to garner the respect of business peers who will seek your advice and counsel.


Business Leadership Principles Must have strong business leadership acumen and understand how the Bible applies to business. We model a learning attitude.


Ability to Invest Financially - Must also have financial reserves to begin a new business as forums are created.

What is the income potential for a C12 Chair?

C12 Members pay monthly fees, based on the size of their companies, that allow a successful practice to generate a professional income. As C12 North Texas grows, we will have the opportunity to launch multiple business forums to help us further develop this territory and Kingdom impact. And because C12 is a turnkey franchise model, you can build a valuable, sustainable asset with substantial monthly recurring revenue. The systems, processes, models and curriculum are already in place.


Here is how it works after you have been trained and join our team.


-We help you launch your practice through events, coaching, networking, marketing and lead generation activities.


-Once you have a nucleus of new Members, you begin a C12 Business Forum under your leadership.


-Each month Member fees are collected, and you receive a significant majority of that money.


-As your group grows and you build your practice, you will add more business forums. The maximum load for most C12 Chairs is 5 full forums (approximately 60 Members). 


Most successful C12 Chairs have six-figure annual incomes.

Is C12 a business or a ministry?

There are two answers to that question.


We operate as a for-profit business and present ourselves that way to prospects and members. There are good reasons for doing so. Being a for-profit organization means that we must deal with the same success measures and pressures as are experienced by our members every day. It also means that a C12 Chair can make a professional living focusing only on C12.


We operate as a ministry in that our ultimate aim is to model and encourage faithful stewardship to our members. That stewardship requires that we ask God what His purposes are for the businesses we lead. We know that He values people and seeks to have an eternal relationship with each person. Thus, a C12 Chair helps members develop tangible plans and programs to align with God's greater purposes. Does that sound like a ministry to you?

Member Testimonials

C12 North Texas Member Companies

Chair Testimonials

Chair Contacts

Tom Hawes

Principal Chair

Joe Galindo


Tom O'Dwyer


Mike Gullatt


Kevin Pate


Tom Hawes

Principal Chair

Joe Galindo


Tom O'Dwyer


Mike Gullatt


Kevin Pate


Shawn Yates


Randy Griffin


Joe Newton


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